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Healthy Kids Running Series Spring 2025 - Dover, NH

4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 & 6/1, Rain Date: 6/8 Dover, NH 03825 US Directions

HKRS Dover, NH Volunteer

At least 11 more volunteers needed.


* click the blue volunteer button *

Sundays 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 & 6/1, Rain Date: 6/8

Volunteers need to be at least 14 years old. We can provide letters for proof of volunteer hours.

If you are interested, but can only come on certain weekends that is totally fine and still extremely helpful! We will send out emails each week to sign up for jobs for that weekend.

Volunteer jobs include:
• Set up
• Registration table
• Face paint table
• Warm-ups for each age group
• Starting the races on a megaphone/microphone
• Timing races on a stopwatch
• Writing down finish times
• Tearing bibs to record finish order
• Photos/videos
• Course monitors
• Lead runner in front of the little kids (2-4 year olds) so they have someone to follow through the finish line
• Clean up

Please email with any questions.

Thank you!

Jessie Surette
Community Coordinator

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